Hello, Tit for Tat?
Best Wife, have you ever been in a “Tit (no pun intended) for Tat” mood in your marriage?
Allow me to explain... I have a horrible memory. I mean it is worst then I’d like to admit. This doesn’t always play well in my home. I can forget to do somethings often; it drives my husband up the wall. Him being the man of God, he is and having a memory like an elephant he defiantly holds me accountable for those things.
But today I went out to our car and I saw my husband forgot to lock the doors and set the alarm. Do you know what my very first thought was without hesitation to do? I had two thoughts actually...
Petty thought #1. Take a picture and save it for that one day I’d forget and he says something to me about it. I would pull that pic out of the unlocked car doors and say...” Aha, but look you aren’t perfect either!”
Petty thought #2. Was to send him a passive aggressive text immediately and say, “You left the car doors unlocked” and just leave it at that. Trust me a simple text like that would boil him.
I know, I know, it’s super petty but I’ma be honest it took all of the convincing of the Holy Spirit dropping a Word in my memory to counter act my flesh.
Then I began to wonder how often times in marriage is it the little foxes that can keep us in resentment, produce built up anger, or have us with a bad attitude for a day, two; who am I kidding, maybe 3 days?!
But God, in his infinite knowledge convicted me about my “tit for tat” moment or what we call in our home sometimes “that get back spirit”.
The Holy Spirit reminded of a segment of His most quoted scripture about love, that...
“It keeps no records of wrong” -1 Corinthians 13:1I
How can a word so small cause so much healing, peace and renewal over my petty thoughts? I love the wisdom of God! God knew that in marriage it doesn't always have to be huge things but those little aggravations that cause us to be record keepers of wrongs. Best Wives, it truly does pay to have the Word of God in your spirit. One Word from God can truly save the day for your marriage.
Sis, if you had a “Record of Good Things” posted on your refrigerator about your husband what would those top 3 things be? Make sure to share it with him tonight.
Oh, and by the way Best Wife let the only “Tits for Tats” you give your husband be what you put in your Songs Of Solomons Intimate Fantasy Apparel (yes, that pun was intended).