A letter to the hopeless "married" romantics...why don't you just admit it? You love, love!

SOS community it isn’t a secret that you are in love with love! I would even go as far as saying you're a “hopeless romantic”! Would you be surprised if I said that I believe God loves love just as much as we do or maybe even more? After all He created marriage for us to show His reflection of His love on earth! And He also created sex as a celebration for marriage.

     Songs Of Solomon Intimate Fantasy Apparel is named after a book in the Bible “Song of Solomon”. It is a beautiful love story of a husband and wife’s relationship. It is one of the most sexually erotic books in the Bible. Now I know the world has given us so many twisted images about sex. It can be hard to believe that God actually created it, but He did!

     God has placed such a burden on me to help restore God’s vision of sex, sexuality, and intimacy for marriage. I created my lingerie business to give Kingdom husbands and wives a breather from the world’s view of sex, sexuality, and intimacy. I have created an environment with SOS’s (private lingerie) Showings on Zoom where wives can purchase lingerie and feel safe instead of sexually exploited, excited instead of shameful, and free instead of accused because of their hearts for romance to celebrate their sexuality and wanting to be visually wrapped in a beautiful SOS lingerie piece with their husbands.

     Who would have ever thought it was even capable? Learn how SOS makes it possible by watching the video below "What is an SOS (private lingerie) Showing"